Spanish + Sports

For Schools:

Sport activities infused with Spanish vocabulary. There is no better way to practice a language than playing games with friends outside. Resulting in a relaxed, playful environment conducive to learning Spanish

My program will add a little spice to the current curriculum. Kids will look forward to learning new skills… with the chance to choose between English or Spanish vocabulary and specific sports too.

FEES: $200 for a full day, including recess and lunch break.

PROGRAM: The activities will run from 9-9.30 am to 2.45-3.15, in groups up to 40 students (rotations would be organised by the school) with an optional introduction -summarizing the vocabulary to be used- and a conclusion – reviewing all we learn for the day-.

See reviews of schools

For little Spaniards:

A special program aimed to  children with Spanish-speaker parents, rutine, funny, sports, taylore made,

see reviews of parents